image of melissa corey from tone zone fitness wi

Fitness Assistant

Born and raised in Eagle River, WI. Graduated from Northland Pines High School. Being an athletic person, she participated in school sports including Basketball, Softball, Track and Field and favorite Volleyball.  Possessing a passion for the fitness lifestyle ever since high school. Taking all the weight training classes. But the weight training classes really took off after having children. Weight training requires a serious commitment which carries over into my family life.  A dedicated wife and mother, balancing family commitment with weight training passion.  I also possess good interpersonal skills when interacting with people.  Hobbies include going to the beach, swimming, camping, and crocheting, painting horseback riding and raising my children.

image of william mccusker, tone zone fitness eagle river

Fitness Assistant

I was born and raised in Madison but spent most of the summers of my youth in various spots in the Northwoods. I retired from UW Hospitals in 2013, moved up here immediately and have not regretted it one bit. I love to fish, go exploring with my two dogs and root on the Packers – GO PACK GO!

image of sheri sullivan from tone zone fitness wi

Fitness Assistant

I am a native of the Northwoods and have been active all my life with dance and sports. I am a ASFA Certified Dance Fitness, Step Aerobics, Cardio Kick boxing, Barre, Strength and Flexibility as well as Tabata Instructor. I am a former gym co-owner and I have a passion for fitness with a drive to help others reach their fitness goals and stay strong, physically and mentally. I have been with Tone Zone for 11 years and enjoy my “gym” family.

image of amber greenman, tone zone fitness eagle river

Fitness Assistant

I am born and raised up here in the Northwoods. My life has taken me around the U.S. but brought me home 8 years ago. I love just spending time with my daughter and enjoy the outdoors. I started a healthy lifestyle over 12 years ago. I enjoy sharing my journey and learning about others. Look forward to getting to know all new members as well.

image of kaylan webber of tone zone in eagle river

Fitness Assistant

I’m originally from Florida, but I’ve found the Northwoods to feel more like home. I love being part of the community and meeting all the new faces that come into the gym. Although I played tennis in High School, I am new to the fitness world and eager to learn! In my free time you can find me exploring outside, spending time with my family or experimenting in my kitchen.